The Orange Whip
It is my opinion that The Orange Whip is the ultimate golf swing trainer and fitness tool for today’s golfer and athlete.
I started to use the Orange Whip personally during the second half of 2009 and immediately noticed a profound effect on the rhythm and tempo of my swing. Upon trialing it with a number of pupils I witnessed the dramatic effect it can have on the golf swing in terms of flexibility, coordination and tempo. It also has the delightful effect of freeing up the mind; the focus is on rhythm, not positions. Efficient positions are found naturally. There are so many benefits of using the Orange Whip and this undoubtedly makes it one of the best training aids I have ever come across. You can check it out at
This product is best purchased through one of the Orange Whip Teaching Pros as they are able to show you the correct way to use the Whip. To find your nearest OW Pro see
As of early Feb 2010 over 60 US PGA. LPGA and European Pro’s are using this product!